Vision & Mission


Enlightenment and Personality development of younger generation to make them assets to the nation by way of

  1. Academic Reforms with achievement of goals.
  2. Administrative Reforms with implementation of discipline.
  3. Development Reforms with infrastructural aminities and project.


Creative Human Resource Development by way of:

  1. Providing quality education in modern disciplines.
  2. Educating the new generation in contemporary knowledge and skill to meet the challenges of nation- building.
  3. Inculcating a sense of moral values, national pride and universal brotherhood among students.
  4. Diversifying teaching programmes in changing situation to keep pace with the socio-economic demands of the time.
  5. Developing better infrastructure and academic environment for attainment of quality education by different categories of students belonging to urban and rural areas.
  6. Education Extension programme with special emphasis on deprived and marginalised sections of the society. 
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